The overflow that does not make it to winosapien. . .

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Duck ragu calzone. Cover half the pizza with the ragu, top with grated Parmesan and a ball of Bocconcini which has been broken up. Construct and seal, bake in hot oven (200 degrees C) for around 10 minutes.


Unknown said...

your photos are great!
I don't mean to be bothering, but I really need to get connected to an Australian doctor to put some questions, being myself a doctor wanting to get registered in Australia. If your spare time and mood permit it, can we "talk " by email sometimes?
I appologize for my rudeness,

Edward said...


Sorry to be so tardy. This is my neglected secondary site, so I rarely check for comments. Please email me if you need some more info, though I am not sure how helpful I will be.

My email is in my about me page.
